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Known Mamiya-Sekor Prismat Clones
Brand Model Also Known As Mount Shutter *
Mamiya Prismat NP Prismatic (in UK) Exakta Cloth
Mamiya Prismat NP Reflexa (in UK) Exakta Cloth
Mamiya Prismat NP Sears 32A Exakta Cloth
Mamiya Prismat NP Tower 32B Exakta Cloth
Mamiya Prismat NP Sears 32B Exakta Cloth
Mamiya Prismat PH Tower 37 Bayonet In-Lens Leaf
Mamiya Prismat PH Tower 37A Bayonet In-Lens Leaf
Mamiya Prismat PH PCA V-90 Bayonet In-Lens Leaf
Nikon Nikkorex F Nikkor J (in Germany) Nikon F Metal
Ricoh Singlex --- Nikon F Metal
Mamiya Prismat Sears SLII Nikon F Metal
* NOTE: Cloth shutters travelled horizontally; metal shutters travelled vertically
Additional Note:
Although I have yet to discover one, I understand Mamiya also made at least two lenses for Nikon, identifiable (should you find one) as Nikkorex lens Sekor. If you have any production or technical information about these lenses, please consider joining my Collecting Mamiya 35mm Forum to tell us about them!

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