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Photo courtesy Roland Stauber, Germany

Auto Mamiya-Sekor FISHEYE CS 14mm f/3.5 Lens
One of the rarest (and hardest-to-find) lenses for the Mamiya NC series. I swapped a similar 14mm Mamiya SX lens with Roland Stauber, in Germany, to get it! You will find the optical performance of this lens is very good wide open, and corner sharpness becomes excellent when stopped down to f/8. This is a really good lens that belongs in any serious collection.

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Mamiya-Sekor 14mm CS Fisheye Lens
Lens Groups Elements Viewing Angle Min. Aperture Min. Focus Dist. Filter Lens Hood Wgt
14mm f/3.5
7 10 180º f/16 1.0 ft. (0.30m) Built-in n/a 9.9 oz. (280g)

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